Welcome at Radiotechniek en Restauratie.

Philips 850K

Radio technology originated from my passion for old technology.
This site is intended to help others with their hobby.

The schematics are free to download. You need to create an account with a valid email address.

If you use Hotmail or a live account, you cannot or not always register. Microsoft spontaneously blocks our mail server sometimes sometimes not despite the highest security level without giving a reason.

We have found a solution for Microsoft hotmail and live, it still remains a test.

Do you have questions or need help?

  • Always consult the service documentation of the device.
  • If you have a specific question, please fill in the contact form.
  • Also check the website of the radio association NVHR.

All photos on this website are copyright of radiotechniek.
And may only be used with permission.

Have fun and take a look at my other website my red friend.