Philips 2501

Radiotechniek album
Philips 2501 completely original, never repaired.
Just take a look at the details.
The condition of both scales is just so beautiful.
The original connection cable, unfortunately the mains plug has disappeared.
The power supply 2503 unfortunately also the tube C142 has disappeared.
The rest of the tubes are original and fortunately still present.
The buttons sealed. The radio is almost 100 years old.
The side connections of the tubes have never been loose, completely original.
The power supply 2503 is unfortunately defective. The tube 2504 is OK.
The high frequency part of the radio.
The strip about the connections of the 2503 is unfortunately missing.
Philips radio type 2501 with serial no...
Finally, you can also write the serial number on it with a felt-tip pen. It is a pity that both top covers of the radio are missing.